10 Best Movie Deaths Of 2018

2. Charlie Loses Her Head - Hereditary

Hereditary Charlie Dead

No single death scene this past year has been as joltingly shockingly and upsetting as the surprise demise of poor young Charlie (Milly Shapiro) in Hereditary.

After she accidentally eats some nuts at a party and falls ill, a high-af Peter (Alex Wolff) frantically drives her to the hospital, but she unfortunately sticks her head out the window for air just as Peter swerves to avoid an animal in the road.

The result is sure death for Charlie, though director Ari Aster makes the smart decision to shy away from Charlie's remains for now, focusing instead on Peter as he makes the lonely, traumatic drive home with his sister's corpse in the backseat.

Once their mother Annie (Toni Collette) finds Charlie's body the next morning, Aster reveals a horrifying sight that instantly embedded itself deep in viewers' psyches: Charlie's decapitated head being feasted on by ants the morning after the crash.

This was pure nightmare fuel and the most provocative, viscerally uncomfortable scene from any horror movie in years.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.