10 Best Movie Fan Edits Of All Time

2. Pulp Empire

Empire Strikes Back Star Wars Darth Vader Boba Fett

And for the final Star Wars fan edit on our list, we've got something altogether different. Pulp Empire is an extremely ambitious - not to mention hilarious - attempt by editor NJVC to re-imagine The Empire Strikes Back in the vein of a Quentin Tarantino movie. And yes, it's at least as nutty as it sounds.

A testament to the power of editing, Pulp Empire takes everybody's favourite Star Wars movie and remixes it through the lens of not just Pulp Fiction but also Kill Bill, opening with a brilliant black-and-white recreation of a certain iconic sequence before NJVC lets loose with all the usual QT hallmarks - a flashy opening titles sequence, funky music, an intentionally disordered narrative structure and so on.

There are perhaps a moment or two where it gets a little too obvious with the Tarantino-isms for its own good, but as an experiment in colliding two distinct styles of filmmaking together, it's masterful.

The whole shebang has been up on YouTube for over three years without intervention from Lucasfilm, so fill your boots:

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.