10 Best Movie Moments Of 2014 (So Far)

9. Godzilla's Atomic Breath - Godzilla

Gareth Edwards certainly made us wait for the excitement in his hit monster movie Godzilla, but was it worth the wait or what? The easy highlight of the movie is the titular beastie's climactic showdown with the MUTOs, and after dispatching one with a swift flick of his tail, Godzilla turns his attention to the mother MUTO, who is just about closing in on Ford (Aaron Taylor-Johnson), who is trying to disarm the bomb on the boat. Godzilla grabs the MUTO, and at that moment, his tail begins to light up, which if you're a Godzilla fan, can only mean one thing... The light continues to ride up Godzilla's back, and at that moment, he pries the MUTO's jaws open and fires down a healthy stream of his fiery, atomic breath, killing it almost instantly, as its head is ripped from its body. To those who aren't too schooled on their Godzilla lore, it might seem a little daft and out of nowhere, but there's little point denying the amazing visual experience of seeing Godzilla unleash such insanely awesome power. The movie may have its flaws, but this moment is sheer perfection.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.