10 Best Movie Moments Of 2014 (So Far)

6. Cage Gets Squashed By A Jeep - Edge Of Tomorrow

Without a doubt the most unexpectedly good movie of the year so far, Doug Liman's Edge of Tomorrow may have seemed like an awkward mix of Groundhog Day and Aliens, but the end result is a surprisingly satisfying sci-fi romp, and a great reminder of how well Tom Cruise can still carry a movie. We won't say too much about the movie as it's not out in the U.S. until tomorrow, but the basic premise has Major William Cage (Cruise) repeating a very bad day ad infinitum: every time he dies, usually in a battle against the aliens, he is sent back to the start of his day, and slowly begins to amass knowledge to turn the tide of the war. In his trial-and-error campaign, Cage has to find a way to sneak off from the rest of his unit in order to meet lauded soldier Rita (Emily Blunt), and while the platoon are performing push-ups, he decides to try and roll away under a passing jeep, Metal Gear Solid style. However, the first time he attempts it, Cage mistimes the roll and is crushed underneath the truck, as Sgt. Farrell (an excellent Bill Paxton) chews out his (presumably mangled) corpse. It's an unexpectedly hilarious moment, and proves that the movie isn't taking itself too seriously: of all the surprises Liman gave us, the movie's abundance of wit and laughs was the most pleasant one.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.