5. Jeff Goldblum Loses His Fingers - The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Grand Budapest Hotel is one of Wes Anderson's most delightful outings, and it's also one of his most unexpectedly adult: how many times do you go into an Anderson movie expecting severed body parts? The scene in question occurs when Deputy Kovacs (Jeff Goldblum), who happens to be the executor of Madame D.'s (Tilda Swinton) estate, is being pursued by ruthless assassin J.G. Jopling (Willem Dafoe). As he goes to venture outside, he notices a bike belonging to Jopling, and just at that moment, Jopling emerges from behind and touches him, causing him to turn around, startled. At this point, we cut to a view of the door, as Jopling closes it on Kovacs' hand, slicing four of his fingers clean off, as we hear Kovacs' subdued screams before complete silence. It's a hilarious and shocking moment from a director who hasn't exactly made a career out of scenes like this, and that makes it all the more effective.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.