10 Best Movie Plot Twists Of 2015

1. Han Solo Is Killed By His Son, Kylo Ren - Star Wars: The Force Awakens

There is arguably no other moment across the span of last year's cinematic releases quite so memorable - and gasp-inducing - as this one: it was, for many people, the most shocking event to have occurred in a major motion picture for a long, long time. That's right: the death of Han Solo (Harrison Ford) at the hands of his son, Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), is perhaps the best movie twist of 2015. Because how can you beat that? The tragic incident occurs towards the end of The Force Awakens, as Han Solo - father to Darth Vader fanboy Kylo Ren (or "Ben" Solo, as Han calls him) approaches his estranged son on a bridge suspended over an endless abyss at Starkiller Base. Just as he seems to get through to Ren, convincing him to return to the light, the sky darkens and Ren plunges his lightsaber through Han's heart. Han places his hand on his son's face, and then he falls. Lots of Star Wars fans predicted that things would ultimately go this way, of course; there were countless theories doing the rounds on the internet predicting that Han would meet his end in The Force Awakens at some point. And yet it wasn't real until it was real. And so now Han Solo is dead and gone, his happy ending from Return Of The Jedi wiped out. It was probably a good move on the studio's part, though: Solo isn't the sort of guy who dies in his sleep from old age. And his death ultimately means more drama. Not to mention that Luke Skywalker is going to be angry, which should be thrilling to watch. Like this article? What did you make of these plot twists? Got any to add that we might've missed? Let us know all your thoughts on the matter in the comments section below.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.