10 Best Movie Secrets SHAMEFULLY Given Away By The Trailers

1. Soylent Green Is People - Soylent Green

Free Guy Dude

Plot twists don't get much more iconic than the climactic revelation in 1973's sci-fi classic Soylent Green that the titular, mysterious food stuff is actually made from people - euthanised human bodies which are then transformed into the green stuff, to be precise.

The film's iconic, unforgettable marketing was smartly centered around the question - "What is the secret of Soylent Green?"

It's a provocative hook which certainly captured the general public's imagination, though anyone paying close attention to the trailers wouldn't have had to do much thinking in order to figure out the answer.

In the theatrical trailer, there's a fleeting but distinctive glimpse of what appears to be dead bodies under white sheets moving along a conveyor belt.

From there, it's not much of a leap at all to suggest what the horrifying secret of Soylent Green's composition might be.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.