10 Best Movie Secrets SHAMEFULLY Given Away By The Trailers

2. Dude - Free Guy

Free Guy Dude

Ryan Reynolds' new blockbuster comedy Free Guy sold itself on its irreverent tone, ridiculous action, and fun cast. But because that apparently wasn't enough, 20th Century Studios also freely gave away perhaps the film's single most hilarious moment.

In Free Guy's finale, Guy (Reynolds) is forced to face off against Dude, an unfinished but hulkingly muscular duplicate of himself created by Free City's mega-douche creator Antwan (Taika Waititi).

Dude is basically an extremely yoked body double with Ryan Reynolds' face digitally mapped over the top. It looks intentionally, ridiculously janky, as you'd expect from any unfinished video game asset.

It's a riotous moment, yet one which was freely spoiled in the movie's final marketing blitz mere days before release. Dude was not only featured in a TV spot, but received his own viral featurette containing footage of the character not included in the film.

If you didn't get around to watching those final teasers, Dude was a genuinely uproarious surprise, and one that absolutely didn't need to be given away ahead of time.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.