10 Best Movie Secrets SHAMEFULLY Given Away By The Trailers

3. The Enterprise's Destruction - Star Trek III: The Search For Spock

Free Guy Dude
Paramount PIctures

Perhaps the single most memorable moment in the third original Star Trek film involves the destruction of the Enterprise, after Kirk (William Shatner) triggers its self-destruct sequence in order to wipe out the Klingon boarding party, all while the Enterprise's crew transports to safety.

It's an incredibly striking visual, and not only one which occurs in the movie's third act, but also one which the filmmakers wanted to retain as a surprise for fans, who preoccupied with Spock's (Leonard Nimoy) resurrection likely wouldn't see it coming.

Yet the film's trailer freely gave away the money shots of the Enterprise flaming out, all while the trailer's narration implored audiences, "Join us on this, the final voyage of the Starship Enterprise."

Obviously this was far from the Enterprise's final outing, but considering what a pivotal, eye-popping moment it was, letting the cat out of the bag months before audiences got to witness it in all its big-screen glory was incredibly silly.

Though The Search for Spock was a mighty commercial success, it still ended up grossing less than its predecessor, The Wrath of Khan, so the iconic image of the destroyed Enterprise seemingly didn't get more butts in seats anyway.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.