10 Best Movie Sequels That Start IMMEDIATELY After The Last Film's Ending

4. Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi

Last Jedi

In something of a staggered double-whammy of swiftly continuing on with the tale that had been simmering away in the prior entry, The Last Jedi gets underway with a Resistance, fresh off of the battle of Starkiller Base, trying to do a runner from an incoming First Order.

Barely giving fans a second to settle in their seats from the get-go, Po Dameron launches a controversial but admittedly eye-catching assault on a dreadnaught, kick-starting a film-long game of cat and mouse between the two opposing sides.

At the exact same time as this inter-galactic skirmish, however, we're eventually thrown back into the shot that reverberated around the globe as the final takeaway of The Force Awakens is dramatically paid off.

Whether or not you were a fan of Luke Skywalker chucking away his sacred lightsaber after two agonising years of waiting, it definitely made for a surprising turn of events and thrust Rey and Star Wars fans the world over into a relationship with a Jedi Master who'd been through a bit of a tough few decades since last we heard him speak.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...