10 Best Movie Sequels That Start IMMEDIATELY After The Last Film's Ending

5. The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers

Last Jedi
New Line Cinema

Venturing back to Middle-earth now and to the moment that hammered home just how much of an all-round badass our beloved grey wizard legitimately was. Though The Fellowship of the Ring technically concludes some time after Gandalf tells his crew to fly (the fools!) before tumbling into the abyss with a Balrog, The Two Towers does give us the answers to what happened immediately after the wise being seemingly fell and this moment segues nicely into picking up where we'd left Frodo and Sam wandering to Mordor.

Simply put, it counts, dammit!

With the aforementioned duel on the bridge being heard from afar as we pan through the mountains, a continuation of Gandalf's apparent demise sees the wizard grappling with the terrifying beast as the pair look to collide with a pool deep into the world's core. Frodo's cries of "Gandalf!" as he is startled awake to the desolate reality the two hobbits now face on their own only reinforces just how much has changed since their trusty leader's departure and one of the finest middle entries in trilogy history is firmly set in motion.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...