10 Best Movie Title Drops Ever

Saying the name of a movie can be so cliche, but sometimes it results in cinema history...

Jurassic Park Richard Attenborough

A title drop during a movie should be considered an art form unto itself, considering how difficult it is to pull off effectively. Done poorly, you end up sounding clunky and forced, which our dear friend Will Smith unfortunately found out in the disaster that was Suicide Squad.

But done correctly, the title drop can be the highlight of the entire movie all on its own. It can be the perfect lead in or the perfect cap off to an already fantastic scene, giving it the extra bit of pizzazz it needs to stay in people's minds for the rest of their lives.

It's a lot easier to list the title drops that don't work than it is to list the ones that do, mostly because so many make you cringe into a little ball of embarrassment when you hear them. But there are some that absolutely nail the landing, not only imbuing the name of a film with even more meaning, but leading to some of the most iconic moments in cinema history.

These ten title drops made fans cheer in the audience, and still make them fill up with emotion when they think back on them.

10. In Bruges

Jurassic Park Richard Attenborough
Focus Features

The Line: "Maybe that's what hell is...an eternity in !*$% Bruges"

Like any good movie title, any good title drop needs to relate back to the themes of the story and what the filmmakers are trying to say. In Bruges is a great example of this, as it has a lot to say about punishment, Catholicism, and especially, morality.

All of which are summed up here in this single line. There are other lines throughout the film that accomplish this synergy, but this manages to incorporate a title drop into a line that also has to do the job of conveying the theme of the work in a single sentence - thereby pulling double duty, and still coming off completely natural.

A lot of this success has to do with the acting, granted, but the line is still excellent in a vacuum, getting across how trapped our two leads feel by the city of Bruges, the situation they put themselves in, and the lives they lead.

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Jurassic Park
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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?