10 Best Movie Trilogies Ever Made

6. The Before Trilogy

the godfather marlon brando
Warner Independent Pictures

Pretty much everyone's seen part – if not all – of Nolan’s Dark Knight saga, but not nearly enough people have happened upon Richard Linklater's Before Trilogy. And that's a great shame, for few films have ever examined the travails of true love quite so dexterously.

Linklater proved just how well he can think outside the box with 2014’s Boyhood. With the greatest respect to Birdman, Linklater's twelve-year tale of a boy becoming a man really should have taken home the Best Picture Oscar, but the Dazed And Confused director had already shown how well he can tell a story over time with Before Sunrise, Before Sunset and Before Midnight.

1995 saw the release of Before Sunrise, in which Ethan Hawke's American dreamer Jesse and Julie Delpy's French student Celine meet randomly on a train, walk and talk their way through a night in Vienna and part ways with the promise of meeting again six months later. Six months became nine years as Linklater picked up the story again in Paris with Sunset, and a third film about the pair arrived in 2013.

To say any more would be to spoil one of the great on-screen romances, but suffice to say critics have rightly purred over each instalment and the Before Trilogy is one of modern cinema's most heartful, artful experiences


I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.