10 Best Movies Actors Did After The Lord Of The Rings

4. Karl Urban - Dredd (2012)

green book
United International Pictures

Karl Urban might have had relatively few lines during his portrayal of Éomer but he cut a brooding and impressive figure. He was one of the many members of the supporting cast that helped make those movies feel so rich.

Urban hasn't had a bad run since his appearance as the Third Marshal of the Mark, either. Notably he's appeared in the Star Trek reboots, and currently stars in The Boys, but one of his more memorable performances came in the form of the masked purveyor of justice Judge Dredd.

God damn was this a fun movie. The 2010s were full of studios churning out remakes of late '80s and early '90s sci fi classics. But whereas the Total Recall and Robo Cop reboots failed to make an impression, Dredd punched right through the screen, dropped a frag grenade in the cinema and made you watch the carnage unfold.

Despite never seeing more than Urban's sullen mouth, he managed to channel all the emotion (or lack of) necessary to convey the imposing dread his character required to sell the movie.

This was a gritty depiction of a future mega-city life. Although, almost all of the scenes take place in a single tower block, the world building was handled in a way to give a complete sense of this bleak dystopian future. Another highlight came in the form of Lena Headey. Someone should cast her as the next Bond villain, that lady is terrifying.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.