10 Best Movies Starring The Parks And Recreation Cast

7. Guardians Of The Galaxy

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If you were to tell a Parks and Recs fan that the loveable but unreliable Andy Dwyer would one day become a Marvel superhero, they would probably think you were messing with them. But that is the reality that we ended up getting, and not only has Chris Pratt been a Marvel lead, but he has become a big Hollywood leading man.

Technically Endgame or Infinity war should take priority over this title, as they are spectacular pieces of media. Still, the first and subsequent Guardians films give Pratt a chance to shine, and he brings all of his brilliant charm to the forefront of his performances. Star-Lord is a loveable goofy superhero who has remained beloved, excluding his actions in Infinity war.

Guardians of The Galaxy is an unbelievably fun film, which is saying a lot as the majority of MCU movies are the same, yet Guardians stands above many of them. The space adventure feels like a true Sci-Fi comic come to life, and managed to reinvent what the MCU was capable of.

A big part of what makes the film work is Pratt in the leading role, and looking back at his part in Parks and Rec brings a strong nostalgic pride to all viewers.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!