10 Best Movies With An Unseen Enemy

2. The Blair Witch Project

Blair Witch Project
Haxan Films

A decade before Paranormal Activity reminded everyone how efficient and effective the invisible unknown could be, The Blair Witch Project made a low-fi masterwork that changed the horror genre forever more.

With a mere $60,000 budget, three unknown actors and a skeleton crew working overtime to scare the Bajesus out of them in the woods, The Blair Witch Project delivered an expertly-crafted slow-burn, combining intriguingly creepy lore with believably terrified performances to sell the presence of the titular never-seen entity.

The film's brilliance is capped by its bone-chilling ending, which implies the presence of the Blair Witch without showing a single frame of it, focused instead on poor Mike (Michael C. Williams) standing in the corner while Heather (Heather Donahue) screams in terror.

Sadly the 2016 sequel, Blair Witch, made the mistake of revealing what the creature looked like via atrociously unimaginative CGI nonsense, but the original film took full advantage of its low resources to let the atmosphere do all the talking.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.