10 Best Movies With An Unseen Enemy

3. It Comes At Night

It Comes At Night
Universal Pictures

2017's art-house horror film It Comes at Night proved majorly divisive with audiences - scoring a brutal "D" CinemaScore - precisely because of the nature of its unseen danger.

The movie's title and marketing blatantly implied that the characters would be facing off against either a fleet of zombies or a creature of some kind - hence the "it" - but ultimately the film is focused more on paranoia in response to a contagion outbreak worldwide.

Writer-director Trey Edward Shults makes a concerted effort not to paint any of the film's characters as distinct heroes or villains, while typical human emotions such as fear, grief, anxiety and fatal distrust are the catalysts which eventually condemn everyone in the movie to a grim fate.

Some chose to view this as a cop-out, while others relished a rare post-apocalyptic movie that ditched zombies and beasts for good old-fashioned human nature.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.