10 Best New Horror Movies For Halloween 2020
6. The Grudge (2020)

Originally promoted as a reboot of the 2004 American remake of Japan’s 2002 Ju-On, the angle of this film has pivoted slightly to now be a ‘sidequel’- a film taking place prior to and during the events of the original.
Whilst it may not be known for its ingenuity and contributions to filmmaking, it deserves an honourable mention this Halloween for its adjacency to such a well-loved original. It has got all the big-hitters in horror tropes: a curse, dead children, clueless cops, bathtub-related deaths and a whole lot of not very tasteful suicide.
As with the original, the film follows a nonlinear narrative- and directly links to the former in that the origin of the curse is the same: the ghost of Kayako Saeki. The same cyclical style of plot promises some enjoyment if you’re up for a cheap thrill. There’s some gore and a fair few jump scares, which makes this a pretty good bet if you’re looking for something not too heavy to enjoy on a lazy October night.