The Croods was a highly enjoyable animation produced by Fox, featuring the voice talents of Ryan Reynolds, Emma Stone and Catherine Keener. Cage played Grug, the patriarch of a family of cave people who must trek through an unfamiliar world to find a new way of life after their cave is destroyed. Cage gave Grug a sense of bluster and humour, but also never forgot that at his core he was a man who loved his family and was simply trying to do his very best for them at all times. This vulnerability played extremely well next to Emma Stone as daughter Eep, with their relationship forming the back-bone of the film. The Croods was by far and away Cage's biggest hit movie in many a year, grossing $187 million in the US and a total of $587 million worldwide. A sequel is pencilled in for release in 2017 and should provide another 90 minutes of solid family entertainment. If nothing else, it proved that Cage's distinctive vocal talents transfer superbly to the world of animation and it gave him a viable franchise to work with after a few false starts with CGI animation over the years (the likes of Astro Boy and G-Force hardly set the world on fire, after all).