10 Best Opening Scenes From Movie Sequels

6. Austin Powers: Goldmember - Austinpussy Comes To Life

Tom Cruise Mission Impossible 3
New Line Cinema

Long before he was surprisingly popping up, and subsequently stealing the show in 2008's Tropic Thunder, Tom Cruise was playing another hilarious part in one of the finest opening sequences in movie history.

Throwing together a set-piece that felt as though it belonged in a 007 feature, fans were quickly left wondering whether the Austin Powers franchise had decided to go down a more action-heavy route for its third outing, Goldmember. Yet, after blasting a helicopter to smithereens, it soon became clear that this wasn't the Powers they were looking for. Instead, Cruise, lined up alongside Gwyneth Paltrow, Kevin Spacey, and Danny DeVito, were all revealed to be playing the leading roles on screen.

However, this twist was soon explained away as nothing more than the opening for a feature film adaptation of Mike Myer's OG Powers' life, by the name of Austinpussy, with none other than Steven Spielberg sat in the director's chair and the not taking too kindly to backseat direction. Oh behave, Steven.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...