10 Best Opening Scenes From Movie Sequels

5. Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade - Indy's First Adventure

Tom Cruise Mission Impossible 3
Paramount Pictures

Showcasing a young Indy (River Phoenix) out on a trip with his fellow Boy Scouts, the opening to The Last Crusade sees the teenage Jones stumble upon a bunch of grave robbers who've just uncovered a valuable artefact. Sensing the golden crucifix belonged in a museum, the youngster quickly nabs the cross and flees the scene, hopping on a circus train which eventually gifts him with a new-found fear of snakes, fondness for whipping things, and a lovely scar on his chin.

After ultimately having to surrender the cross back over to the robbers and a man wearing a Panama hat, not before being handed his soon-to-be signature hat, the scene then transitions into present day Indy (Harrison Ford), with the heroic archeologist battling against that same Panama hat-wearing villain to retrieve the cross once again.

Just like that, we have a new understanding of the character and his upbringing, further reinforcing him as the rugged unlikely hero we all wish we could be.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...