10 Best Performances In 2018's Worst Movies

8. Sterling K. Brown (The Predator)

The Predator Sterling K Brown

Shane Black's The Predator was a baffling trainwreck of a movie, and though none of the performances are flat-out bad, the talented ensemble cast is mostly helpless against Black's oddly bland script.

The only actor who even occasionally manages to rise above the dreck is the brilliant Sterling K. Brown, who plays Will Traeger, a government agent overseeing the Predator experiments on Earth.

Brown is perfectly cast as the no-nonsense operative, hilariously chewing his way through both the scenery and a pack of Nicorette over the course of the movie, while basically boasting more charisma than any of the film's actual heroes.

His flippant delivery of lines like, "We voted and Predator sounds cooler", actually makes him pretty tough to dislike here, and though Traeger's incoherent death scene is a major disappointment, Brown's work is the standout element of an otherwise flabbergasting dud.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.