10 Best Performances In The Star Wars Franchise

9. Donnie Yen - Chirrut Imwe

Star Wars Kylo Ren

Rogue One still stands as one of the best Star Wars films to date, thanks to its daring plot, successful fan service and emotional pay-offs. One of the very best parts of the film is the character Chirrut Imwe, a deeply spiritual blind man who believes in the ways of the Force and, despite not having any Force abilities typical of the Jedi, is a devastatingly accomplished warrior.

Imwe is played by martial artist Donnie Yen, who makes the character the most intriguing player in the film. His spirituality and his optimistic, peaceful nature makes him both endearing and morally sound. Yen allows audiences to understand exactly what Imwe is fighting for, what he believes in, and how he perceives the world around him.

His final stand during the film's last act is a powerful scene, in which Imwe relies on the Force to walk through the battlefield without getting harmed, and watching Yen smile when he succeeds in his mission only to blown away at the last second is arguably the movie's devastating moment, because Yen made Imwe so amazing in such a short time.

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