10 Best Performances In The Star Wars Franchise

8. Alec Guinness - Obi-Wan Kenobi

Star Wars Kylo Ren

To date, Sir Alec Guinness is the only actor to be nominated for an Academy Award for their role in a Star Wars film. And what a role it is.

The backbone of the franchise's first film, Guinness portrays Old Ben Kenobi - a hermit of Tatooine who was once a Jedi in the long-dead Republic. Revealing himself to Luke Skywalker partway through the film, he sets in motion the events of the Original Trilogy and allows Luke to begin his journey as a Jedi.

Guinness, a veteran performer by the time George Lucas convinced him to take the role, is a revelation, portraying Ob-Wan as wise, compassionate and secretive. The secrets he keeps in the movie - famously revealed in the final moments of Empire Strikes Back - are teased every time he talks about his past life or Luke's father.

Watching him, you know something isn't quite right, and yet Guinness looks and sounds trusting enough for you to believe him and trust him, just as Luke does.

His death is the stuff of movie legend, affecting because of his intelligent performance throughout the movie, and Guinness is certainly a large part of A New Hope's success.

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