10 Best Performances In The Star Wars Franchise

4. Adam Driver - Kylo Ren

Star Wars Kylo Ren

Adam Driver, former TV star and two-time Oscar nominee, didn't seem like a great fit for the franchise's new big bad, but the actor proved such worries wrong in his very first scene.

Arguably the franchise's most complex and emotional character, Driver managed to make Kylo Ren both evil and naive - seemingly bad to the bone, but vulnerable and conflicted.

He held his own against seasoned veterans Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill, and gave fans the complexities missing from Anakin Skywalker in the Original Trilogy.

As with Rey, the narrative sometimes failed him and made his arc hard to fully understand, but one thing never once in doubt was Driver's performance, which no matter what was always bursting with intensity and passion.

The Sequel Trilogy is what put Driver properly on the map, and fans are sure to see the actor prove his salt as a performer in the future.

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