10 Best Performances In The Star Wars Franchise

5. Mark Hamill - Luke Skywalker

Star Wars Kylo Ren

Mark Hamill ranks higher than his on-screen sister for one simple reason: The Last Jedi. For all its faults, The Last Jedi is a technically staggering film with Hamill's career best performance right at its centre.

In the Original Trilogy, Hamill's performance was good - if a touch cheesy and lackluster in places. His performance improved massively as the films continued, as can best be seen with Vader's famous confession in Empire Strikes Back and his final moments with Palpatine and his father in Return of the Jedi.

Headstrong, talented, destined for greatness and innocent, Hamill sold Luke as a compelling character in the first three films.

But come The Last Jedi, Luke is almost unrecognisable.

Cut off from the Force, living alone, he is nothing like the man he once was. Whilst this development doesn't sit right with many fans, Hamill's swan song performance as the beaten down Jedi is without fault. Still wise, but broken and skeptical, Luke's arc in the film is brilliantly realised, proving Luke to be the greatest protagonist of the series.

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