10 Best Performances In The Star Wars Franchise

2. Harrison Ford - Han Solo

Star Wars Kylo Ren

Harrison Ford's break-out role as selfish smuggler turned Rebellion fighter remains the best part of the Original Trilogy.

Smarmy, charming, charismatic and tough, his relationships with Luke and Leia saw him become one of the franchise's most loyal and dependable additions - a good friend with a big heart hidden under his care-free and uninterested demeanor.

When it came time for him to return in The Force Awakens, fans were glad to see he was just as cool as he had been in the old days. He may have aged, but he was still a kick-ass pilot and a straight-up intergalactic hero.

Everything about Harrison Ford was perfect for the role. The way he moves, talks and dresses helped create possibly the most popular character in the franchise, with one of the very best character arcs.

Who else could possibly pull off saying "I know" with such confidence after being told someone's in love with them? Only Harrison Ford, that's who.

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I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.