10 Best Pre-MCU Superhero Films

9. The Phantom

The Crow Brandon Lee
Paramount Pictures

Does Billy Zane look daft in that weird purply suit? Yes. Is The Phantom still really good fun? Absolutely. The critics weren't so sure back in 1996, but since then The Phantom has only risen in the estimation of fans. If you like your superheroes colourful and with a little supernatural touch in the tale, then look no further.

In the late 1930s, Kit Walker - the 21st Phantom, as the superhero moniker is passed from father to son - fails to stop a shadowy group from stealing a supernatural artefact, the Skull of Touganda. Thus begins the sort of pulp romp laced with the supernatural that seldom makes its way to screens these days.

The Phantom is knowingly silly but not in a conceited way; it is absolutely committed to having a good time. And it is that tone that really makes it a fun superhero romp, especially contrasted with later moody attempts to try to legitimise superhero stories by making them brooding and edgy. It should be no surprise to know that The Phantom has a fairly healthy cult following and if you watch it, you'll see why.

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The Crow MCU
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A philosopher (no, actually) and sometime writer from Glasgow, with a worryingly extensive knowledge of Dawson's Creek.