10 Best Recent Folk Horror Movies You Probably Missed

9. The Feast

In the Earth
Picturehouse Entertainment

Did you know that there are between 1,500 and 5,000 Welsh speakers in Argentina? Not only is that interesting and weird, but it’s also highly relevant, as those people will be able to understand this Welsh language horror movie from 2021. 

The Feast, which comes from director Lee Haven Jones, begins with a wealthy family preparing for a big party. Like all families, they’ve got their secrets, which are soon turned against them when a mysterious young servant girl named Cadi arrives. 

Cadi, played by Annes Elwy, has some sort of magical connection to the land near the house, which is under threat from a proposed mining operation. She uses her abilities to wreak a terrible vengeance on the family, with things getting very, very dark in places. 

Seriously, this is not one to watch with your grandparents. 

Not only is it great to see such an underserved language get its time to shine, The Feast also does a great job in fulfilling the folk horror brief. Humans try to interfere with nature, only for nature to fight back in increasingly more horrifying ways. 

Again, please don’t watch this with elderly relatives.

In this post: 
folk horror
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.