10 Best Recent Folk Horror Movies You Probably Missed

8. You Are Not My Mother

In the Earth
Magnet Releasing

As you can probably figure out from the title, 2021 Irish horror You Are Not My Mother (directed by Kate Dolan) is about the relationship between a mother and a daughter. 

Actually, it’s about the relationship between two mothers and two daughters, as three generations of the same family take centre stage. There’s teenager Char (Hazel Doupe), her mother Angela (Carolyn Bracken) and her mother Rita (Ingrid Cragie), and it all kicks off when Angela goes missing. 

When she returns a few days later, she is completely different, much happier and more optimistic than before. Somebody feeling happy? That can’t be right! Something must be wrong! 

Char and Rita have to get to the bottom of what’s going on before it’s too late and, predictably, they discover that supernatural forces are at play. They are forced to perform a dangerous ritual on her, which serves as an allegory for the removal of generational trauma, one of the many themes in this very clever film. 

Twisted, frightening, and thought-provoking, You Are Not My Mother is proof that the luck of the Irish is alive and well.

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folk horror
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.