10 Best Robot Buddies In Movies

7. Sonny - I, Robot

Ah yes- the robot from the movie with €œrobot€ in the title. This film is (loosely) inspired by Isaac Asimov€™s short stories of the same name, which introduced the world at large to the now-famous Three Laws of Robotics. The 2004 Will Smith-vehicle subverts these laws by turning a fleet of robots into mutinous murderers- that is, except for Sonny. Sonny is the quintessential Hollywood robot. He is friendly, he learns cute human traits with his anthropomorphic face, and most importantly he doesn€™t emit the bright red light that all of the €œevil€ robots do (how would the viewers know which one he was otherwise?). Will Smith plays an anti-futurist wary of trusting technology despite having a robot arm himself, but you better believe that lovable Sonny (voiced by even-more-lovable Alan Tudyk) wins him over. And saves his life, repeatedly. Also, he€™s an ambidextrous artist! Impressive.

Joe Sippy grew up in Chicago and now resides in Los Angeles. He enjoys corn dogs, rap music, and horror movies. On weekends you can find him in the ocean, surfing very poorly.