10 Best Roles From The World's Worst Actors

1. Adam Sandler - Punch Drunk Love

Two early critical successes in the '90s, The Wedding Singer and Happy Gilmore, saw Sandler play variations of himself. What was originally seen as talent would come to be recognised as lazy as his comic skills, obvious in those early works, soon became diluted to the point of being unrecognisable. Yet 2002's Punch Drunk Love gives even the most high-brow film critic pause. From the movie's ironic title to the astute dialogue, there are levels of subtlety in Punch Drunk Love that most movie lovers wouldn't believe Sandler to be capable of. While the brutish comic has, in recent years, become known for his sloppy, heavy handed and lazy comic offerings, his depiction of Barry Egan is almost heart-rending. Egan is the downtrodden, emotionally abused singleton who bizarrely stalks the object of his affections and becomes entangled in a strange but sweetly innocent love affair. The role is undoubtedly a challenging one for any actor, but Sandler pulls it off by managing to be more loveable than creepy. Of course, Sandler's acting skill may hold the movie together, but it was Paul Thomas Anderson's script (of Boogie Nights, There Will Be Blood and Inherent Vice fame) that added the gravitas that Sandler lacks, allowing the otherwise vapid comic actor his chance to shine. Which other terrible actors managed to only deliver one good performance? Share your picks that were missed down in the comments.

Sarah loves gaming but isn't a great gamer, is practically a professional horror movie buff, and will probably beat you in a grammar nerd-off.