10 Best Roles From The World's Worst Actors

4. Kristen Stewart - Adventureland

If moviegoers can disentangle Kristen Stewart from the mess of Vampire movies, personal scandals and general unpleasantness surrounding her public persona, it's possible to appreciate her acting chops in 2009's Adventureland. In 2009 Stewart hadn't become world-weary yet. She successfully played a curious, oddly lovable teen in this nostalgic coming-of-age comedy drama. The slightly rambling, mumblecore dialogue suits Stewart's reclusive style, while her Em Lewin didn't drown in the apathy which has plagued her subsequent roles. Early reviews of her upcoming movie, Clouds of Sils Maria, alongside Juliette Binoche are positive, so there's still the hope of more critical success for Stewart in the future. She has even been nominated for the 'Redeemer Award' at 2015's Razzies for her role in Camp X-Ray, so it looks like K-Stew's career could be set to make a turnaround.

Sarah loves gaming but isn't a great gamer, is practically a professional horror movie buff, and will probably beat you in a grammar nerd-off.