10 Best Roles From The World's Worst Actors

3. Lindsay Lohan - Mean Girls

It's hard to imagine that LiLo was ever an up-and-comer, but her breakout role in Mean Girls promised great things - at least in the realm of comedy. Lindsay was a precocious child star who had landed memorable roles in movies like The Parent Trap, and her teenage foray into edgy comedy couldn't have been better managed. Mean Girls was a runaway success and, of course, a modern cult classic. Lohan held up her part of the bargain admirably, playing the displaced geek and the desperate wannabe mean girl with aplomb. She was awkward, she was desperate, she was confused and she was just about everything a teenage girl can relate to at some point. Lohan managed to shine through clever one-liners and a colourful cast. Success went straight to Lohan's questionably talented head, however, and her next questionable film choice - Herbie Fully Loaded - was beset by problems caused by the star's erratic behaviour. A tabloid feeding frenzy and some dire movie choices later, Lohan is left with a patchy, D-list resume, while a number of her Mean Girls co-stars scale the heights of the Hollywood A-list.

Sarah loves gaming but isn't a great gamer, is practically a professional horror movie buff, and will probably beat you in a grammar nerd-off.