10 Best Scary Movies For People Who Hate Horror

7. 127 Hours (2010)

30 Days Of Night
Searchlight Pictures

Under normal circumstances, 127 Hours would be a disturbing tale about one man's bid for survival after he falls into a rock crevice. However, Director Danny Boyle does a superb job highlighting the perilous event in a film that is a completely true story.

James Franco plays Aron Ralston, a hiker who finds himself trapped under a boulder for more than five days before he makes the desperate decision to amputate his own trapped arm and climb to safety (in his already weakened state).

The movie does a fantastic job of portraying how hopeless the situation is, and audiences can truly believe Franco’s feelings of panic, fear, and isolation. Franco is tremendous in his performance, each moment becomes almost palpable as you get a real sense of attachment to his character. The emotion delivered through his performance in conjunction with the pace of the movie is a remarkable accomplishment.

Audiences feel for Ralston every step of the way, and it's the gradual realisation from viewers of what must be done for him to survive which leaves an unmistakable sense of dread as the film enters its final chapter.

You wont want to go hiking alone after watching this one!


A Self-Proclaimed Newcastle Utd aficionado. Lover of all things Sport (except rugby and golf, no-one likes those). Whether it's Wrestling, Movies, TV or Comics, you can be sure to find an impassioned Kent-based opinion here.