10 Best Scenes When Evil Movie Characters Turned Good

9. Red - War For The Planet Of The Apes

severus snape death
Warner Bros.

Early in the finale to the recent Planet of the Apes trilogy, we're introduced to the character of Red, a gorilla who has turned his back on his fellow apes and become a "donkey" - an ape siding with Colonel McCullough's (Woody Harrelson) army.

Red's size and strength made him an enormously useful ally for the humans, providing support in combat and even attacking his fellow apes at their command.

But near the end of the movie, after prodding from Caesar (Andy Serkis), Red finally decides he can't contribute to ape suffering any longer, taking a grenade launcher and blowing up human soldier Preacher (Gabriel Chavarria) before he can kill Caesar.

Despite ensuring Red's redemption, however, it also immediately led to his death, with a soldier quickly shooting him in the back of the head for his change of heart.

Red may have done many, many bad things throughout the movie as a servant to humankind, but by saving Caesar he allowed him to blow up the nearby fuel tanks and bury both human armies in one fell swoop. Without Red's sacrifice, the apes wouldn't have made it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.