10 Best Sci-Fi Films People Who Hate Sci-Fi Should Watch

5. Pacific Rim

Colossal Anne Hathaway
Warner Bros.

When Earth is under threat from giant monsters from another dimension, there's only one option: build giant robots to punch those monsters in the face.

The Pacific Rim is science fiction at its most fun, just complete and utter nonsense. The acting is over the top, and the fight sequences are even more so.

Pacific Rim does not ask much of its audience. Your brother who likes Fast and Furious? Yeah, he'll like this.

Directed by Guillermo del Toro, the film tosses you into the fight without delay, and there isn't much to the movie aside from bombastic fight scenes, but that's the point.

There's the usual onscreen tension and relationship complications between the human protagonists, but the film knows you're not there for that. You're there to see some monsters beaten and hear incredible speeches from Idris Elba.

Pacific Rim is the best ride at the theme park, and it delivers all the action a person could want.

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Dominic is an aspiring writer from San Francisco. He likes dogs.