10 Best Sci-Fi Movie Villains

1. Darth Vader

The Matrix Agent Smith

Of course it is. To be honest, such is the standard of the franchise, this whole list could have been populated with Star Wars iconic array of villains- Darth Maul, Kylo Ren, Emperor Palpatine, Orson Krennic.

But if it has to be just one, who else could it be but the heavy-breathing, crony-choking sith lord, Darth Vader?

Vader is not just the greatest sci-fi villain of all time but arguably the most iconic and beloved antagonist in the history of cinema.

Whether strangling people for the most mundane of comments, or finding a lack of faith disturbing, Vader commands every scene he appears in with an awe and authority as he towers head and shoulders above all before him.

James Earl Jones' booming voice emanates from behind his recognisable mask delivering line after line of villainous gold.

As the iconic franchise unfolds we learn more and more about Vader and the sheer depth to his character and background only serve to further the brilliance of this eminent evil. A true icon of cinema and villainy, there could be only one name at the top of this list.

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