10 Best Sci-Fi Movie Villains

2. Khan

The Matrix Agent Smith
Paramount Pictures

Khan Noonien Singh is perhaps the most infamous of all the villains to have crossed paths with the crew of the USS Enterprise, most iconically played by Ricardo Montalban in Wrath of Khan (though Benedict Cumberbatch also appears a menacing figure in the more recent Into Darkness).

The Wrath of Khan is often considered the best entry in the Star Trek film series and a great deal of that acclaim is owed to the vengeful Khan.

An extremely clever and tricky opponent, throughout the film Khan pulls out all the stops to exact his carefully planned revenge on Kirk for exiling him and his crew on Ceti Alpha V, and for the subsequent loss of his wife and crew members.

The genetically engineered Khan is devious and menacing in equal measure and seemingly unbeatable in the tactical battle that he plays out against Kirk's crew.

Eventually he is lured into a situation in which the crew have the upper hand and manage to beat him, but not before Khan stamps his iconic authority all over the film. Going out with a fantastic quote from Moby Dick that has certainly helped him live so long in the memory,

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