10 Best Sci-Fi Movie Villains

4. Roy Batty

The Matrix Agent Smith
Universal Pictures

Blade Runner is widely recognised as one of the most influential science fiction films ever made and a huge chunk of that influence falls on the brooding shoulders of the films iconic villain, Roy Batty played by Rutger Hauer.

Roy is a replicant and the leader of the replicant renegade group the Nexus-6, who come to earth in search of a solution to the limited lifespan of replicants. Roy is a highly skilled and dangerous fighter, perhaps the most dangerous of all the superhuman replicants and has gained a sentiency that transcends most of his counterparts as well.

Roy Batty is perhaps most famous for his startling monologue at the end of the film after he actually saves the protagonist, Rick Deckard, from falling to his death.

Batty discusses all the things he's seen before stating how those memories will soon be 'lost, like tears in the rain'. This one moment humanises the replicants, and Roy in particular, to such an extent that it leaves us questioning everything that has come before in the film.

Roy Batty is a brilliantly nuanced character, who quite simply shifts the entire narrative of one of the greatest science fiction films ever made, he undoubtedly belongs on this list.

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