10 Best Sci-Fi Movie Villains

5. Agent Smith

The Matrix Agent Smith
Warner Bros. Pictures

The Matrix was a franchise that sadly waned drastically as it went on, but a large part of this huge drop in quality was down to the incredibly high bar set by the original.

The first Matrix film is a fantastically clever effort set in a well-constructed world beset with all manner of brilliant characters. One of the stand-out characters in the whole film is undoubtedly Agent Smith, played with maniacal glee by the brilliant Huge Weaving.

Agent Smith is an AI programmed into the Matrix to essentially keep perceived order and balance, what makes this suited-up psycho such an intimidating foe is his ability to manipulate the Matrix to his will.

Smith can inhabit the bodies of others, appear virtually anywhere he likes and possesses superhuman strength and speed. Agent Smith is quite literally as powerful as he wants to be because he controls the world around him.

It is an absolutely brilliant performance by Weaving, his iconic droll and mannerisms are played to an absolute tee and he has become one of modern cinemas great bad guys.

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