10 Best Sci-Fi Movies Starring Star Trek Actors (That Aren't Star Trek)

6. Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Leonard Nimoy)

Brent Spiner Data Independence Day

Another example of Leonard Nimoy's voice acting versatility, Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001) was a polarising entry in Disney's legendary roster of animated classics. While some lauded its boldness and the depth of its complex story, it was similarly criticised for its dark themes and lack of appeal for young children.

Nimoy provides the voice of King Kashekim Nedakh, ruler of Atlantis, with all the reverence and worldliness that one would expect from the aged leader of a forgotten civilisation. His death at the hands of the traitorous mercenary Commander Rourke is a pivotal moment in the film, leading to a (literally) heated battle inside an active volcano over the fate of Atlantis.

The depth of his performance, along with those of Michael J. Fox, Cree Summer, Jim Varney and others, is likely a reason why the film is now considered a cult classic, inspiring a direct-to-video sequel, Atlantis: Milo's Return, in 2003.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.