10 Best Sci-Fi Movies Starring Star Trek Actors (That Aren't Star Trek)

3. Inception (Tom Hardy)

Brent Spiner Data Independence Day
Paramount Pictures/Warner Bros.

Most people probably don't know that one of the first major acting roles of superstar Tom Hardy was in the 2002 film, Star Trek: Nemesis. Hardy takes centre stage as the nemesis himself: Shinzon, a younger clone of Captain Jean-Luc Picard created by the Romulans to serve as his replacement.

Eight years later, he appears in Christopher Nolan's wildly cerebral thriller, Inception, playing the snarky and silver-tongued identity thief Eames. An integral part of the illegal dream-infiltrating team led by Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), Eames's talent for impersonation often allows him to negotiate the group out of tight situations as they work their way deeper into the dream.

Though the general consensus about Star Trek: Nemesis is largely unflattering, one standout element is Hardy's convincing performance as the desperate and vengeful Shinzon. Were the film judged on his acting alone, the crew of the Enterprise-E would have had a satisfyingly decent send-off.


Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.