10 Best Slasher Film Franchises

7. Final Destination

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP4Psj7d1ZI Number of films: 5 Ah, Final Destination. A film that is undeniably a slasher, yet the killer is all around you. The films themselves may focus on elaborate deaths, but the concept behind them is pretty damn scary (not to mention Tony Todd's brilliant performance as the creepy mortician throughout the series). Final Destination was setting itself out as a one trick pony. One great film, a sequel that was just more of the same, then two more that focused on upping the gore and toning down any sense. Then, along comes a newcomer. Final Destination 5 was the surprising late-on sequel that caused shock and cringes aplenty but also proved to be much more intelligent than the series thus far would have you believe. This means the series is almost definitely returning for more. Whether the writers can keep up the great work of their newest installment or not remains to be seen. The formula might be the same, but there are still some twists to be had. Overall, the Final Destination series is pure "beer, popcorn and friends" entertainment. Any slasher franchise worth its salt needs that.
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Just a movie mad nut job with a computer and a passion for writing.