10 Best Slasher Film Franchises

2. Halloween

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5unH8gOhydY Number of films: 8, plus a reboot and sequel That moment you hear the iconic theme music of Halloween, you know where you stand. If Wes Craven is the Stephen Hawking of slasher films, then John Carpenter is the Einstein, the creator of the seminal slasher film that has been praised for really kicking off the genre. 1979 was a year to be terrified of trick-or-treaters. Halloween worked on its simplicity. Michael Myers is a silent, hulking mass of pure psychotic killer and his victims are very ordinary people. Like most franchises, Halloween began to deteriorate after a few more sequels were thrown out. Halloween 3: Season of the Witch, however, took the strangest turn by having nothing to do with Michael Myers, and not even being a slasher film. However, besides this little glitch (which in fairness provided a decent, if peculiar, film), the Halloween series stands tall as the original slasher franchise. The one that started it all.
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Just a movie mad nut job with a computer and a passion for writing.