10 Best Spielberg Blockbuster Movies - Ranked

1. Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade

Jurassic Park Steven Spielberg

As close to perfect as a blockbuster can get.

While the original film introduced audiences to Indy and a whole cast of great characters, the second film largely eschewed all of that in favor of something much darker, not to mention the fact that it was technically a prequel. With Last Crusade, Spielberg made a true sequel to Raiders and challenged Indiana Jones as a character and himself as a director in new and incredibly exciting ways.

Challenging everything about Indiana Jones as a character, from his beliefs to his childhood, makes him an infinitely more compelling character than he already was. Spielberg gave audiences the chance to see the character's roots and how they affect his choices and actions throughout the series. It was a bold move that somehow made audiences fall even more in love with the character.

As far as action goes, it's safe to say it was widely assumed nothing any Indy sequel did would be able to top the truck sequence from Raiders. But here, Spielberg bests himself with a tank sequence that is more involving and thrilling in every way, complemented by the absolutely flawless direction that spotlights the various characters and action beats in perfect rhythmic succession.

By the time the film ends, Spielberg has reclaimed any glory he felt he lost with Temple of Doom and gives the series a closing shot for the ages; Indy riding off into the literal sunset.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.