4. Star Wars: Dark Forces

To all Doom zealots, just shut up right now. Don't even think about it. To everyone else, the point here is not the video games, but the wicked sweet character behind them, Kyle Katarn. A nice guy turned into a kill-them-all mercenary by the Empire, Katarn takes on very dangerous missions for the Alliance alone. He is one angry dude. While he might accept payment for his services his main motivation is killing the enemy. Later on when Luke begins teaching him how to use the Force, Katarn leaves the Jedi Order to hunt down and kill a sith lord who he believes executed his parents. Dark Forces centers around the Empire attempting to build a robot army of Terminator like stormtrooper robots that are capable of annihilating rebel bases within minutes. They're tall, scary as hell, and brutal, but to Katarn eliminating them is all in a day's work. He is probably the best Expanded Universe character in existence and like numbers two and one on this list is well deserving of his own spin-off movie.