10 Best Star Wars Expanded Universe Stories

5. The Han Solo Trilogy

The trilogy by A. C. Crispin is a must for any fan of Han Solo, now more than ever. If two things are for certain in Star Wars' future it is that Episode VII-IX are happening and that a Han Solo origin film will be made. The books follow Solo from his youth on Corellia to his enlistment in the Empire (yeah, Solo was an Imperial). How he went AWOL and gained a very fury friend in the process to getting mixed up with girls, bounty hunters, and the hutts. What's cool is that it shows the progression of Solo becoming the antihero everybody meets in the cantina and fills in the back story for why he is so against joining the rebellion, which turns out in part to be the fault of Lando Calrissian. It even has his signature trademark ship, the Millennium Falcon. Yet cooler still, is the fact that these stories might easily serve as source material for the rumored Han Solo movie. If it happens (which it will) it could very easily follow the storyline from The Hutt Gambit to Rebel Dawn, probably using the introduction from The Paradise Snare when Solo is just a boy.
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aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation