10 Best Summer Camp Horror Movies

3. The Burning

Stage Fright 2014

Remember earlier when I mentioned another film called dibs on Cropsey? Well this is that movie!

Whilst this rendition differs from the original urban legend, it shares some things in common. New York’s legendary Cropsey was an escaped mental patient with a hook for a hand, who kidnapped children and dragged them to the tunnels under an old hospital.

Here, however, Cropsey is a once-respectable man who, after being subject to a cruel prank gone wrong at the hands of some campers, suffers life-changing injuries. After getting out of hospital years later, he seeks revenge and heads to another camp: Camp Stonewater.

From there he hacks, slashes and stabs his way through the camp’s residents- even dragging one or two down to some abandoned mines in what could be an homage to the original legend.

It’s got a couple of classic tropes that date it firmly in the precious early 80s era of horror, and more than a few spectacular gory attacks. If you’ve ever wanted to see a group of campers get attacked on a canoe in the middle of a lake then this is the movie for you.

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