10 Best TV Villains Of The 2000s

8. Montgomery Burns – The Simpsons

lucy lawless spartacus

For years The Simpsons have captured the extreme side of emotions and attributes in their characters. Everything is over the top, in the most comical way, with Ned Flanders being overly friendly and almost never seeing the negative side of things, with Bart being the untameable, naughty kid and Homer being the definition of the lazy but lovable father and husband.

This is also true with multi-millionaire, Mr Burns, who is completely out of touch with reality. The comical side comes with the man frailty, as he is often too weak to move and carry-out normal tasks, which his right-hand man and minion, Smithers, helps him with.

Burns, through his thirst for more wealth, is always scheming and searching for ways to destroy the environment and those around him to preserve his life and wealth. Greedy, evil, and horrible to his employees, he’s the perfect villain for a show like the Simpsons.


I like to think of myself as a world traveler and social butterfly, although I do spend a lot of my time watching the latest Japanese anime series, sitcoms, movies, and drama series. I live on the island of Crete, where I was born, and enjoy walking on the beach with my little cocker spaniel, Molly, when I'm not writing for WhatCulture.com and UNILAD.co.uk.